
wait, this too

Oh wait sorry remember that post I made forever ago (yesterday) about how I'm going on hiatus? Yeah about that... I forgot to put these up before I said those things I said. After this, the break shall occur.

OK so I ordered this purse from Itsumi a while ago and I got it last month, but haven't had time to share its glory with your peevish eyes.

Since I don't have the stalking skills to hunt down designer purses, this original channel look-alike is ideal para me. She HAND-KNITTED this shiz herself, I suggest you check out her store, too.

BEHOLD the glory of its professionally packaged, squeaky clean wonder:
Tu eres mi amor, bolsa de mis dreams.
She also put in a cheeky note:

Obviously, this illin Michael Jackson sticker is enough to tell you that she knows her shit.

What's this, some outfits with the amazing knitted wonder?

cardigan - vintage, t-shirt - target, jeans - marc by marc, flats - target, purse- ITSUMI!
Kat and I have agreed that this outfit is very Foux de Fafa (Flight of the Conchords, dumdum, do the math)

cut up hanes t-shirt, jeans - UO, heels - target

gold bracelets and watch - vintage, stack rings - Japan...?
All in all I have to say this purse is treating me well. Itsumi has a killer blog and maybe if you order from her you'll also get a personalized note
ps - I just got the heels pictured at target: unflawed rip-offs? Who told you? not me.
I think I might actually where them to school.
FINALLY, I'm done with this post, now on hiatus?