Random colors + short skirts + black frame glasses + bat mask = good call

I like how she likes to dress in ways that make no sense, then they do. Punk suits the character. Not that I'm an expert who dabbles in punk culture, but know enough of the history and music to know what it means to not give a fuck. Lately, alot of people dress in a style they think to be "punk", meaning a leather jacket they put a patch on or their own original take on it which usually translates to something plad with fur trim. THAT AINT PUNK scumteeth. Do you even know what punk is? If you did you would know that it is pretty much dead, and then you all would stop wearing those ironic t-shirts proclaiming that it's not.
En pointe - if I were to dress punk I would def copy Edith:

Green hair, tatty t-shirt, leather jacket, black on white creepers.
E - God. How can you stand all these assholes?
R - Some people are OK... but mostly I just feel like poisoning everybody.
I haven't meant to, but recently I've been wearing my leathuuuh jacket pretty much errday, so I have a lot of pictures of it. As a result, I've decided no more pictures of it, the overload is strangling its glory.
Here I present the leather jacket swan song:
jacket - UO, dress- vintage, shoes - Rite Aid
I feel like this look and the next look are slightly lightly influenced by Ghost World, but not too obviously.
collared shirt - vintage, tie-dye pants - DIY, converse - DIY
Favorite outfit, te amo mucho.
OH YES finals are almost over, just an in-class essay and drama monologue left. Except it started raining again. DAMN YOU mother nature.
next post gonna be super, awesome, very cool, I want to read it, yeah!