
mystic Madame Rose

On Friday night Mr. Boddy was murdered in his mansion and it was up to us novelty characters to solve the mystery of who murdered him with what in which room? (ummm...ever heard the game of clue?)
My character was Madame Rose - a fraud from Medonia who is also rich Thellura in World of Warcraft.

dress - mom's vintage Moschino

Best.Dress.Ever....except for the part about the red lips peeling off.

Gato = Mrs. Peacock. Perhaps the most elusive character with hidden intentions.

bracelets - vintage, ring - grandpa's vintage
The charm bracelets used to be my grandma's that my grandpa gave to her. The charms on it boggle the mind: mini-hour glass, horse-shoe, bell, penny, etc...
The ring was my grandfather's too.

Hey story time! I walked into my room in the wee hours last night and a wonderous sight beheld my eyes: vintage up the wazoo! My mom brought home a bunch of stuff my grandpa's wife was getting rid of. I got stuff that was hers, my grandpa's, and her daughter's.

Isreali army shirt, gangsta!

So what I got
1 - dress/suit combo
2 - fur wraps
4 - shirts
2 - wool biking jerseys
4 - sweaters
1 - housedress
1 - porkpie hat

pretty good score, heh?


Mundo Espiritu / leathuh

Ghost World was on the tube the other day. Minus her penchant for geeky older men, Edith is da Bomb, yo. Yeah, Scarlett Johansson is ok blah blah blah

Random colors + short skirts + black frame glasses + bat mask = good call

I like how she likes to dress in ways that make no sense, then they do. Punk suits the character. Not that I'm an expert who dabbles in punk culture, but know enough of the history and music to know what it means to not give a fuck. Lately, alot of people dress in a style they think to be "punk", meaning a leather jacket they put a patch on or their own original take on it which usually translates to something plad with fur trim. THAT AINT PUNK scumteeth. Do you even know what punk is? If you did you would know that it is pretty much dead, and then you all would stop wearing those ironic t-shirts proclaiming that it's not.

En pointe - if I were to dress punk I would def copy Edith:

Green hair, tatty t-shirt, leather jacket, black on white creepers.

E - God. How can you stand all these assholes?
R - Some people are OK... but mostly I just feel like poisoning everybody.

I haven't meant to, but recently I've been wearing my leathuuuh jacket pretty much errday, so I have a lot of pictures of it. As a result, I've decided no more pictures of it, the overload is strangling its glory.

Here I present the leather jacket swan song:

jacket - UO, dress- vintage, shoes - Rite Aid
I feel like this look and the next look are slightly lightly influenced by Ghost World, but not too obviously.
collared shirt - vintage, tie-dye pants - DIY, converse - DIY
Favorite outfit, te amo mucho.

top - Thakoon for target, dress - AA, croc bag - thrift
OH YES finals are almost over, just an in-class essay and drama monologue left. Except it started raining again. DAMN YOU mother nature.
next post gonna be super, awesome, very cool, I want to read it, yeah!


All Channels Blocked

*Oh snaps DIMENTIA i forgot

WEEKEND NOW por fa-vor


dream wardrobe

Ever since I went to the YSL exhibit at the De Young last weekend, I've had the extraordinary ensembles running through my head.

His sketch:

The rest of the pictures I stole from Style Bubble

From the 70's. At first I thought this one was from a modern collection. It seems like it was from a line that must have inspired Galliano.

"Knitted wedding dress". Oh wait SNAP this is exactly what I would want to wear... duh.

Oh I want I want

My favorite, so purrrty in person


past few days

Outfits and thangs from the past few days. On Sunday I went to the De Young with my little mamasita. (that's my mother, you perv, she's small)

And WHAT, might you ask, did we see there? Hrrrm, maybe something such as the best thing my eyes have ever beheld! We went to see the Yves Saint Laurent retrospective exhibit and it was to die for. Like a dog to a snausage, I was salivating at the amazing outfits that dated from the present back to the 60's.

Sadly, photography was NOT ALLOWED. so I'll make a post later with pictures from the web of my favorite pieces.

Later we went to the top of the observational tower:

leather jacket - UO, powder blue oxford - vintage, tan bag - H&M

It was a really beautiful day: clear skies, spring weather, sunshine.

"Hey San Francisco, can you see meh?"

was over 70 degrees all up in my grill.
January is now a time to wear shorts (Thanks global warming, I owe you one!)

cardigan - target, muscle shirt - thrift, shorts - DIY, open chucks - DIY, bojangles bracelets

Something I must admit: I FREAKIN LOVE MY SHIRT

Bojangles bracelets=

If I ever refer to Bojangles bracelets, I mean this combination or similar.


I cut these up last spring. This was taken over my patio, but doesn't it look like my foots in front of a backdrop? This is either artsy or just shitty camera quality.

I have Jealosy over these

I saved this picture a long time ago, I think it came from Jak&Jil



Harrison, TX: 1952

For drama I did a scene today with he who must not be named... i.e. idiot who makes me look like a fool.

Gawud it was aweful.

Anyways long story short he didn't dress in character and I did... typical. I was supposed to be a teenager in East Texas in the 50's.

It took forever (forever ever, forever ever?) to decide what to wear. Eventually narrowed it down to these two options.

cardigan - grandma's, kilt skirt - mom's, heels - Charle's Jourdan

Liked this one more, but doesn't read as teenager/ teeny bopper enough. The skirt is so cool. Evidently, it can be worn inside out too.

t-shirt - H&M, skirt - vintage, belt - vintage

This was more girly and all, so I stuck with that. Even though the scene went terribly, all the nice compliments about my outfit made up for it a little bit.

Even if you didn't tell me TO MY FACE (yeah say it beez), I still captured those compliments and stored them in my good things knapsack like the invisible karate ninja that I am.


Alaalalaalaso (also) I recieved a fricking sweet gift from my grandmammy a few weeks ago but was hesistant to post about it.

She gave me a fly dress...

Aaah the glory. It was her honeymoon dress from the late 50's. Imagine above the knee perfect hourglass figure barbie shape dress coverend in trim and sequins.

When I wear this dress you're gonna be all "LIFE ALERT, life alert! I just saw something mean spicey hot and I can't get up!". Why? Because I be looking damn fine in my gettup.

I'm only giving a preview because I'll probably end up wearing it for Ball... that is if I remain the exact same weight/size for the next 5 months which is unlikely. All I can say is the dress is like butta, a big stick of butta.


Be mine

I need me some new t-shirts, it took me a while to decide which to get

At first I wanted some of these (actually, I want alllll) shirts from Brendan Donnelly, but they aren't on sale and my life is on a budget smaller than my left pinky nail.

Oh, you dashing shirts you shall be mine, oh yes you shall.

But then I got a hint from here. Now I'm a bit obsessed with this t-shirt website called Blood is the New Black. T-shirts of good tidings up the wazoo.

I got one of these, which could it be?

I would get this, typical.


fangs, but not in the trendy vampire way

Girly and ghetto is good

If I had drawing skillZ, I would make dozens of shirts along this theme

Ok hint I got the last shirt