I do not know what to wear! Oh whoooo knows whaaat to dooooo?
I had about 4 different choices, but i've narrowed it down to several variations of the same outfit
black skirt + black shirt + black shoes
I think I would wear a corsage of large vintage pins on one side.
Black skirt + white shirt + PINK shoes
me gusta mas this picture because the self-timer surprised me with its puntcuality. (hells yes self timer; don't you know that i'm an insomniac and my professional photographer named Deborah will not respond to my every whim at 1:00 in the morn?)
black skirt + white shirt + BLACK shoes
byaaaah the favorability goes towards my new betsy thunderrrrrs, but the pink ones are so vibrant, like a cop's light.
(fyi the pinks are pumps and the black patents are wedges)