You like to paaahty, yes? If zis ees ze case, zen maybe you should get your bouncy bootee over to ze Talent Show at zat school we go to! Zer are going to be some good acts, but MOST IMPORTANTLY, I, ze Maddie, will be dancing ze hula with Kat. It will be a good time for all, non?
- myself
*Also I didn't get any pictures of the Vintage Fashion Expo Kat and I went to on Sunday. So much vintage, so little time. Unfortunately, everything was hella bank (because it was so nice) and I didn't really need anything, so no purchases for me. Kat got a ferocious prom gown.
I DID see stuff I like, but it was insanely priced. Vintage non-brand sunglasses for $150? I THINK NOT.
Instead, I'll just spend the rest of my night pining over these things I've found on the world wide web:

vintage sunglasses by Sonia Rykiel

found on someone else's blog, but can't remember

from a random etsey store .... I'm thinking I'll DIY